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2018 Jubilarian Sr. Rosemary Loomis, OP

“Dominic’s innate joy remains contagious.”
[caption id="attachment_6425" align="alignright" width="225"] 2018 Jubilarian Sr. Rosemary Loomis, OP[/caption]

That’s how Sr. Rosemary Loomis, Columbus, OH, describes herself after 50 years of consecrated life. The Dominican Sisters of Peace congratulate Sr. Rosemary on the Golden Jubilee of her profession of vows as a Dominican Sister of Peace.

Sister Rosemary, a native of Columbus, OH, says that she has “a deep desire to BE God’s blessing to someone.” She has done just that, spending her entire ministry helping families at different life stages. She moved around Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Illinois as a middle school teacher and principal before returning to Ohio to serve on the staff at the Congregation of St. Mary of The Springs. She also served on the staff and as a Resident Life Director of the Mohun Health Care Center, a founded ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, for seven years.

After a brief sabbatical, God called Sister Rosemary to a new ministry, and she served as a Pastoral Associate in Clymer, PA, for three years before returning to Columbus to begin work with Egan-Ryan Funeral Home as a Grief Minister. Through her work there, she became involved with the Central Ohio Chapter of the Parents of Murdered Children/Other Survivors of Homicide Victims, where she has been an instrument of God’s peace to people suffering this painful loss.

During this time, she also served in her Congregation’s Vocation ministry and as a Pastoral Visitor for St. Timothy Parish in Columbus, OH.

Today, Sister Rosemary is the Manager of the Springs Press, the in-house media center for the Dominican Sisters of Peace. She is also on her way to becoming a published author of four children’s books. One of them draws on her experience as a grief counselor, written to help children deal with the loss of a loved one and other childhood trauma.

In her 50 years since making profession, Sr. Rosemary says, she has never been disappointed with the joy and community she found as a Dominican. She also has some advice for women considering their own vocation.

“If you are discerning religious life,” she says, “be patient – be patient with God, be patient with the religious Community and be patient with yourself. Any vocation is what we make it, and we must work to make it come alive every day.”

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