The Leadership Team and Justice Promoter of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, as members of Order of Preachers and as followers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, are speaking out in support of the First Amendment rights to free speech and Freedom of Religion for Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, a Bishop of the Episcopal Church, in regard to her preaching at the National Prayer Service on January 21st, 2025.

In her preaching, Bishop Budde was respectful, calm, clear, and inspired by her faith. She did not request changes in policy or any specific action. She asked for mercy for the many marginalized groups in our nation. Bishop Budde proclaimed what Jesus Himself said in Mark 5:7: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”The pending H. RES. 59, which condemns the Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, is a mean-spirited attempt to discredit an individual who had every right to preach her faith and was invited to do so. Moreover, those who support H.RES 59 impugn Bishop Budde’s character.
As the U.S. Catholic Bishops rightfully said, "Our prayer is one of hope that, as a Nation blessed with many gifts, our actions demonstrate a genuine care for our most vulnerable sisters and brothers, including the unborn, the poor, the elderly and infirm, and migrants and refugees.” We also stand with our brothers in the Association of U.S. Catholic Priests in support of Bishop Budde’s prayer for mercy.
Bishop Budde’s preaching of Gospel Justice and Mercy was an expression of Jesus’ teaching and was done in a manner that befits her vocation and call to service. We thank her for her courageous example and pray for her continued fidelity to that call.
Beautifully written! Thank you so much for speaking so profoundly in all our names!
I give each of you a pat on the back for your response to Bishop Bundde’s truth of the Gospel. I felt it was an expression of gratitude and support from my own heart.
Well said. You can add my name to the list.
We must stand strong on this issue.
Thank you for making this statement.
I found Bishop Buddy’s preaching respectful and
Gospel-based. She is living another Beatitudes: “Belssed are you when they insult you and hurt you and call you names, because of me.” May the Spirit continue to empower her.
The words of Rev Bundde and our commitment to Mercy is keeping me fearless and consoled.
Thank you so much for expressing our gratitude and support for Bishop Budde’s heartfelt remarks. It takes a lot of courage to speak out in today’s culture. She set a very good example for us to follow.
I stand with Rev. Budde as she spoke the Truth with Compassion asking for Mercy for all People. She did the right thing and had the platform. Her message was heard because many shifted in their seats.
I stand with Bishop Budde. I applaud her bold, yet respectful preaching of the Gospel. I am thinking she has a bit of the Dominican Preaching Spirit! 🙂
Thank you for standing for truth, justice and compassion on behalf of all of us. We must not be silent.
Thanks for speaking in support of Bishop Budde’s preaching at the National Cathedral. It will be such continuous preaching from all those committed to the furthering of the gospel of Jesus.
You, our Leadership Team and Justice Promoter, have expressed well what we feel in our hearts regarding Bishop Budde’s words of mercy and compassion. May she be protected from those who would do her harm because of her words speaking truth to power.
Thank You for responding in our name. I wonder if the Congress persons were present for the service at which Right Reverend Bidde spoke. It pains me to think that our Representatives do not have the moral courage to speak the truth.
I wish to confirm what everyone above has already said in supporting Bishop Budde’s words. May the Spirit continue to bless her with courage and strength to speak the truth wisely and may it make a difference in all our lives.
Sr. Brigid Cannon, OP