A leader in sustainable farming and animal husbandry, this 700-acre beef cattle farm serves the Sisters, community, and local farmers.
Featuring diverse habitats, wildlife, and native flora, as well as chemical-free naturally grown gardens, wetlands, animals: beehives, chickens, llama, and sheep, two turf labyrinths, and a system of walking trails, this 160 acres of greenspace is a place of peace, natural beauty, and spiritual refreshment for harried souls.
Heartland Farm is a Christian community committed to working for the healing and care of the Earth and its inhabitants. Members of the community are committed to exploring and living the principles of community, simple living, nonviolence, justice and peace, and the nurturing of all God’s creation.
Demonstrating practical applications of ecology, this 130-acre farm and education center is a living laboratory based on principles of spirituality, social justice, and environmental protection, while supporting a 210-family Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Project.