Dominican Sisters working for Peace

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National Catholic Reporter Features Sr. Terri Schell, OP

Click here to meet the newest Sister-Director of our Ohio ecological center, Sr. Terri Schell. Sr. Terri is a second-year novice with the Dominican Sisters of Peace.

Curious About Life as a Religious Sister?

Come and See!

Think of this as a no-obligation “coffee date” with religious life – an opportunity to meet the Dominican Sisters of Peace, live and pray in community, and ask the questions your personal call to religious life has raised.

Single Catholic women ages 18-45 are welcome to join us. Attendance is free, and some travel assistance may be available. Email Sr. June Fitzgerald for more details, or click here for more information.

Meet a Jubilarian

Sr. Carole Rossi, OP - 60 years

We joyfully celebrate Sr. Carole Rossi, on her 60th Jubilee as a Dominican Sister of Peace! She has devoted the past ten years of her life in the ministry of offering prayer for others. Formerly, she served in pastoral ministry to the Spanish speaking community at a Catholic parish in East Boston and ministered in adult education at Crystal Spring Ecology Center in Plainville, Massachusetts. Speaking of Crystal Spring, Sr. Carole was part of an intentional community that formed there in 1992 with three other Dominican Sisters. Their purpose was to live as a simple, sustainable community , aware of the interconnectedness with all of God’s creation. Add to this time ministering as a principal and an elementary teacher. We honor you Sr. Carole for your pioneer spirit and many years of service during your Jubilee Year!

Give to Celebrate our Jubilarian Sisters


Where do we find joy?

The Dominican Sisters of Peace find joy in our daily walk with God and with our community, in the work we do for God’s people, and in the companions who share their time and talents with our ministries.

  • Being Peace

    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

    Christ’s words in the Gospel of John inspired our name… and inspire our daily lives, as we live in peace and speak with peace in every encounter.

    Be a part of our mission to make the world a more peace-filled place.

    How We Became Peace

    Our Commitments

  • What We Do:

    We are committed to ministries of spirituality, education, ecology, economic and social justice, and more.

    Through our founded ministries and our work in churches, communities, and schools, we strive to bring peace to the world.

    Our Domestic Ministries

    Our Overseas Ministries

  • Our Dominican Associates

    Dominican Associates are lay people who work and walk with the Dominican Sisters of Peace in their lives of prayer, study and ministry to God’s people.

    Anyone with a heart for peace can become a Dominican Associate… learn how!

    What is a Dominican Associate?

Who are the Dominicans?

The Order of Preachers, abbreviated OP, is also known as the Dominicans, after our founder, St. Dominic. The Dominicans were the first itinerant order, leaving the monastery to preach the truth of the gospel and Christ’s love.

The first Dominican institution was a convent in the French city of Prouille. The order was founded in 1215 in Toulouse, France.

The first Dominican women religious in America were our foremothers, the Dominican Sisters of St. Catharine, founded in 1822 in Kentucky.  

Click here to find a North American Dominican Congregation.

Our Ministries

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Do You Hear Your Call?

Are you looking for something more?

We can help you recognize God’s call in your life.

We all start at a different place in the journey,  but we’ve all been where you are today.

We are committed to sharing the knowledge and resources to help you find your way.  Let’s walk together.

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Learn More about the work of the Dominican Sisters of Peace

We are grateful to Suzanne Wong for her image of Signadou. Signadou (from the French, meaning ‘sign of God’) is the site in Fanjeaux, Southern France, where St Dominic’s vision for the Dominican Order began to unfold. We are blessed by Suzanne’s preaching. 
