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“Neither Do I Condemn You”

[caption id="attachment_580" align="alignright" width="250"]Pat Dual Blog by Sr. Pat Dual, OP[/caption] "Neither Do I Condemn You" - John 8:11
This Sunday, marks the beginning of our last week of the Lenten season, leading us into the journey of Holy Week. It hardly seems that just a few short weeks ago, I began another annual Lenten journey - receiving the ashen mark of my faith on the forehead and deciding how I might personally mark this season of prayer, sacrifice and almsgiving. Probably, this last week of Lent is a time that each of us might look back to recall if our Lenten journey was what we had hoped for this year, or did we fall short of our expectation or goal? Personally, I know there have been times when I have reached this point during Lent and think, "next year I will do better." But an amazing Lenten grace from God is to realize that because of Love, our failings can be forgiven and we can begin anew - today. In this Sunday's gospel from John 8:1-11, we will hear the story about the woman caught in adultery and on the verge of being stoned to death, in accordance with their letter of the law. In the midst of this, Jesus simply draws something into the dirt, then rises to say, "Let him who is without sin, cast the first stone." One by one her accusers drift away. Only when Jesus is alone with the woman does he speak to her directly, saying "Neither do I condemn you." This gospel is yet another wonderful reminder during Lent of God's boundless compassion and mercy for each of us. Whether our Lenten journey has been all we could have hoped for or whether it has fallen short of our goal, let us resolutely continue the journey with Jesus to Calvary...all the way to the empty tomb of Easter. This weekend, several women from various parts of the country will spend part of their Lenten season with us during our Come and See Retreat March 11-13 in Columbus, OH. Please join us in praying for them and for all discerning women who are seeking God's will for their lives. If you, too, are considering life as a Sister, we would love to hear from you! (Get more info)

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