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Earth Day Calls Us to Right Relationships

[caption id="attachment_1057" align="alignright" width="200"]Sr. Jane Belanger, OP Blog by Sr. Jane Belanger, OP[/caption] I have a calendar from Appalachian Science in the Public Interest that declares that April is Child Abuse Prevention, World Habitat Awareness & Recycling Month, Cancer Control, Lawn & Garden, Poetry, Guitar and Keep America Beautiful Month. And if this happy compilation isn't enough to remind us that all things are connected, the very date of April 22, Earth Day 2016 not only marks the 46th year of the event but commemorates also more ancient observances: the Buddhist New Year, the beginning of Passover and the Full Pink Moon, most ancient of all. In Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si, we can see his same recognition of how the whole created universe celebrates the creative genius of God and charges us to be human co-creators. Francis called the whole family of believers, indeed all of humankind, to recognize our indebtedness to Earth for everything and challenges us to the conversion we need to make serious and sweeping changes in our often consumerist-driven lifestyles. As I look at the April topics on my calendar, I see in these the antidote to the sad reporting we are bombarded with from an often fearful and exploitive media. What if instead of shopping as a pastime we read or even wrote poetry, spent time in our garden, took time to be with a friend diagnosed with cancer, tuned up our guitars, led a clean-up crew in our neighborhood, or befriended a fragile foster child? The only cost is ourselves. What if we challenged our own efforts to "do our part" and asked, "what sort of conversion am I being called to this Earth Day?" Recycling is fine, sprucing up the yard is good, signing an "on-line" petition that raises our personal awareness is an easy way to participate. But it really comes down to a profound recognition of the sacredness of our created reality. It is that deep metanoia - changing of mind and heart - that signals a whole new way of living, relating, praying and being in the world. The most fundamental call to Peace is that of right relationship. This Earth Day, this April month may be a very good time to set right some important relationships.

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