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St. Agnes-St. Dominic Teacher Honored as Outstanding Educator

saa-sds-albertus-award2016MEMPHIS, TN - St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School Lower School art teacher, Lynn Lofton, is the 2016 recipient of the Albertus Magnus Award. The award, presented annually by the St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School Board of Trustees, recognizes an outstanding educator who demonstrates the four pillars of the Dominican charism - Study, Prayer, Community and Service. "Lynn Lofton's far-reaching influence is evident in all areas of her life. Her contributions to the children of our school, her service to her church and the Memphis community, her spirit of collaboration with her colleagues, and her kindness and gentleness make Lynn a worthy recipient of the Albertus Magnus Teacher Excellence Award," said Kathy Boccia, Dean, St. Agnes Academy Lower School. "Because of her devotion, walking down the fine arts wing of our school is like entering a children's art museum. Here, Mrs. Lofton's ability to teach children the joy and beauty of expressing their creativity through visual art is on display for all to enjoy. Whether it is flowers painted in watercolor by a first grader or stunning still life drawings done by an eighth grader, all of the work created by her students reflects a knowledge and appreciation for art," Mrs. Boccia added. Mrs. Lofton has taught art at SAA-SDS since 2003. She loves art and has the talent and commitment to transfer that love to her students, offering them many opportunities to explore their creativity. Her students' paintings and drawings are hanging in permanent exhibits at St. Francis Hospital and LeBonheur Children's Hospital. Students have received recognition in numerous competitions including the Association of Middle Level Education International Art Competition, the Scholastic Art Competition, the Memphis in May Art Competition, a building contest sponsored by the Memphis Architects Association, and the Jewish Federation's Holocaust Art Contest. Mrs. Lofton was named to Who's Who of America's Teachers and the Diocese selected her for the St. Cecelia Fine Arts Award. She served as a co-sponsor of the Lower School Environmental Club. Mrs. Lofton also shares her talents with the SAA-SDS drama department by painting sets for plays, and she collaborates with her colleagues to design inter-disciplinary units of study. As an active member of the Dominican Associates, she serves meals to the homeless at the Manna House, and she organizes the selection of students for the SAA-SDS Dominican Torch Award that recognizes young people in our school who demonstrate the four pillars of the Dominican tradition. Mrs. Lofton performs in our faculty choir and is a cantor and Eucharistic Minister both at school and in her parish.
  St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School is a ministry of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. Photo Caption: Lynn Lofton is the 2016 recipient of the Albertus Magnus Award, which recognizes excellence as an educator. Pictured from left to right: John Murphy, Dean, St. Dominic School, Lynn Lofton, Kathy Boccia, Dean St. Agnes Academy Lower School, Barbara Daush, President, St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School, Jim McCullough, Board of Trustees.

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