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Lessons We Can Learn from Our Triune God

[caption id="attachment_3666" align="alignright" width="200"]Blog by Sr. Pat Dual, OP Blog by Sr. Pat Dual, OP[/caption] This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Trinity. In thinking about this, I was reminded of a Systemic Theology class that I recently managed to live through. While I love theology classes, I have to admit, I was not excited about taking this particular class. To my surprise, it turned out to be much more engaging than I anticipated. One of the many topics in the course that I developed a deeper appreciation for was the Trinity. The Trinitarian relationship of community and perfect self-giving love has much to teach us about God’s vision for human relationships. When we celebrate the Solemnity of the Trinity, we celebrate a feast that delves into the mystery of the nature of God. And despite its unexplainable nature, the Trinitarian relationship in Scripture reveals God’s nature to be both communal and social. Therefore, we who are made in God’s image also share this communal, social nature. So what does it mean to be made in the image of God and to share in this Trinitarian nature of relationship and community? What would it mean for us today to reflect the free flowing love modeled in the Triune God and revealed in Scripture? It would mean finding ways to address the global crisis of poverty. It would mean seeking ways to end violence and work toward equality and justice. It would mean respecting the freedom and dignity of each person because they, too, are made in the image of God. In short, it would mean allowing our lives to be guided by the words of Jesus in the great commandment, "To love God and to love your neighbor as yourself." For Christians, to say that we believe in the Triune God is more than simply subscribing to a complex theological doctrine. In fact in his book, Faith Seeking Understanding, Daniel Migliore writes, "To say that God is triune is to also say that human life is fulfilled only in relationship to God and others. The Triune God is the power and source of all life and love in relationships." As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Trinity, let’s remember the Trinitarian model of communion and love. Let us remember also as believers in the Triune God, we are called to be in communion with God and with others. To be made in the image of our Triune God means that we are called to participate in, and in some small way, reflect God’s own life of love, relationship and community. In honor of the Trinity, I invite you to reflect on this beautiful Icon of the Trinity by Andrei Rublev and to read the Trinity poem below that was written after contemplation of this image. Enjoy! Finally, do you think that you are being called to reflect God’s life of love, relationship and community as a Sister? Why not give us a call! Peace. triune   The Trinity – A Poem (Written while contemplating Rublev's Icon) By Neil D Booth There they sit eternally,trinity Encircling the table, the angelic three. And yet not angels – Holy Trinity. Here I stand in time, aware Of love inviting me to join them there And in their circling fellowship to share. Entering, I hear them say: "I am the end of journeying, the way; Where, now arrived, you shall forever stay." Love again then speaks his word: "This joy grows deeper as the bliss is shared." At that I turn and beckon to my paired. Now she joins the ring of grace And, side by side, we share the Three's embrace; Until we welcome others to this place. Widening still, the circle grows, As each brings others to the love that flows And, in the bringing, true belonging knows. "Limitless," declares the Three, "Love's spreading circle has no boundary. And in its compass one day all will be." Neil D Booth © 2013 All rights reserved

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