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What is Being Asked of You at This Time?

[caption id="attachment_1404" align="alignright" width="200"]Blog by Associate Conni Dubick, OPA Blog by Associate Conni Dubick, OPA[/caption] Everyone knew that the theme of the 2016 Assembly for the Dominican Sisters and Associates was "Sent to Preach the Gospel in Every Season."   But it was in the unfolding of the theme that a question surfaced which remained with me throughout the weekend.  The question posed by our speakers in different ways was: "What is being asked of you (me) at this time?"    Sr. Pat Twohill, OP reminded us that 800 years ago, St. Dominic lived a new moment in history and knew "it was all about the preaching." He discovered his mission and the new order emerged. Sr. Margaret Mayce, OP referenced our preparatory reading which included the words of Sr. Liz Sweeney, SSJ who said, "My experience with groups is that an inbreaking of the Divine happens often and readily.  Our work is to expect it, be alert for it, and especially to take time to dwell in those moments when we are touched by something More."  Margaret asked rhetorically, what is the More? What is being asked of you? Then our facilitator, Sr. Kate DuVal, SSND, stated the challenge directly by asking "what freshness of vision will insure that the Dominican Sisters of Peace and Associates will be truly effective against injustice and dealing with the current reality?" In addition to the powerful presentations and words of these women, and the contemplative dialogue throughout the weekend, it was apparent that there were "moments touched by something More."  For the Associates, their meeting focused on the Associates Strategic Plan, their panel to the Assembly effectively described their ministries related to each Chapter Commitment and the many informal conversations made it palpable to Associates and Sisters.  There was "a special inbreaking and that we tried to expect it, be alert for it and take the time to dwell in it." Coming soon will be written summaries of the Assembly discussions and enthusiastic reports by participants at the Assembly. These will insure the communication of the  fresh ideas on  the Chapter Commitments with action recommendations.  In follow-up Associate blogs, we will provide the words of the Associates panel and others to engage all of us in the question of the day.  What is being asked of you at this time?

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