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What is God Asking of You at This Time?

[caption id="attachment_3666" align="alignright" width="200"]Blog by Sr. Pat Dual, OP Blog by Sr. Pat Dual, OP[/caption] How would you answer this provocative question?  At our recent congregational Assembly, more than 300 Dominican Sisters of Peace and Associates gathered for several days to ponder our response to this question for 2016 and beyond.  We came together in prayer, contemplation and celebration. We came to dialogue about how the wisdom of the Spirit was moving us as individual Sisters and as a congregation :sent to preach the Gospel in every season." We came to discern individually and collectively how we are being called to contribute effectively in light of challenges in today’s world. As followers of Christ, we all must ask and find the answer to this essential question. The Dominican Sisters of Peace have several women in various stages of religious life formation, from the beginning stage of being a Candidate to being in the later stage of Temporary Profession. Each is quite familiar with continually discerning the question of God’s call for them and about how they are being asked to live out the call of God in their lives. Two of our candidates discerned with their community mentors that they were being called to take the next step in their vocation journey of discerning religious life and became novices.   It was, indeed, a special moment in our gathering to witness the ceremony as these candidates became novices during a beautiful prayer. Our newest Sisters Ana Gonzalez and Margaret Uche, felt God asking them to take the next step in their discernment journey. I invite you to watch the short video of their reception as novices in our community. So, what is God asking of you at this time?  What movement of the Spirit seems to be flowing through your life? Are you being called to consider serving God as a Sister?  Are you not sure, but you are open to considering the possibility? Then why not give us a call!  You might also want to mark your calendar for our next Come and See Retreat in Akron, OH on September 9-11, 2016.  More information is on our website.  Finally, as you consider what God may be asking of you at this time in your life, I invite you to use this Vocation Prayer card and join us in praying for vocations, especially in confirming your own vocation.

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