We all hear the same sounds. We look up and see the same sky. We cry the same tears. Our feelings and emotions are the same. All mothers are sisters. All fathers are brothers. All children are one. Yet there is hate. There is violence. There is intolerance. There is confusion among people. We don’t try hard enough to understand each other. We don’t seem to realize that we all have the same basic needs, no matter who we are or what part of the world we come from. We must understand the difference among us and celebrate the sameness. We must make the world a place where love and friendship dominate our hearts. Equality, respect, compassion and kindness must guide our actions. Only then will we all be able to peacefully and lovingly live the life we each choose.As Dominicans who seek to unfold a future of hope, one of the community’s chapter commitments is "to be women of peace who promote justice through solidarity with those who are marginalized, especially women and children, and work with others to identify and transform oppressive systems.” May we go forth boldly as peacemakers, building bridges that provide opportunities for living justly where all can share in the abundant life that God desires for each of us. If you feel drawn to commit yourself to be a woman of peace, why not join us! Become a messenger of hope and begin exploring the religious life by contacting one of our vocation ministers.