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“Come and You Will See”

[caption id="attachment_3666" align="alignright" width="200"]Blog by Sr. Pat Dual, OP Blog by Sr. Pat Dual, OP[/caption] Have you ever experienced "nagging" thoughts about the idea of religious life which continue to surface at odd moments in your life, even after you have dismissed the idea?  Perhaps, when you think about your vocation and what you will do with your life, the notion of being a Sister and living a life of love and service to God and neighbor gives you a strange sense of excitement, peace or even a little "fear" at the prospect of such a calling?  Or, maybe you simply feel it is time to seek God with an open heart and discern more deeply the idea that God might be calling you to consider a religious vocation.  However this question of "calling" may be surfacing in your life, why not join us for a free weekend discernment retreat to ‘come, see and pray’ about what God might saying to you about your vocation. You might be asking yourself, "What will happen at this 'Come and See retreat?' Can a weekend really help me find clarity about a vocation to religious life or another path in my life?" Well, I’m so glad you asked those questions!  In my own journey of discerning religious life, I found that learning more about Sisters and embracing discernment opportunities was invaluable.  This Come and See Discernment weekend with the Dominican Sisters of Peace is designed to provide the time and space for prayer and spiritual guidance concerning discernment in general and discernment in particular about religious life. During this weekend of prayer, you will also experience community and fun, while reflecting on God’s call for your life and exploring contemporary Dominican life as a Sister.  You will definitely come away from the weekend with more knowledge, clarity and support for your continued path of discernment, wherever that path should lead you. So, if you are a single Catholic woman between the ages of 18-45, who is thinking about religious life—this invitation is for you!  Join us for a free Come and See Discernment Weekend Retreat on September 9-11, 2016 in Akron, Ohio.  Space is limited, so reserve your place soon! Is God calling you to consider becoming a Sister? Come and see!

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