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This is What It Means to be Church

[caption id="attachment_1404" align="alignright" width="200"]Blog by Associate Conni Dubick, OPA Blog by Associate Conni Dubick, OPA[/caption] "This is what it means to be Church: to stand in the middle of our beautiful and broken world, with our baptismal candle held high, and be God’s presence and God’s light right here and now in the midst of it all." (Jesus and the Prodigal Son by Brian Pierce, OP) These words of our Dominican brother, Brian Pierce, speak so directly of the role and responsibility that Dominican Associates have as they participate in the mission of the Dominican Sisters of Peace.  Associates embrace the Chapter Commitments, the Corporate Stances, the congregational and associate committee work, and their local group or personal commitments to be that presence of Dominican preaching in "our beautiful and broken world." Brian continues his message: "The prodigal Christ, who leaves home and plunges into our world, then turns toward us, calling out 'Come, follow me.' (Luke 18:22.  We cannot remain closed in our small comfortable nest and call ourselves followers of Christ." Right now the Associates of the Dominican Sisters of Peace begin or continue the discernment process across the country. Women and men are seeking to deepen their understanding of who they are in relationship to their God, their Church, and their social and personal responsibilities.  Associates gather in person or as online groups. They focus on study, prayer, ministry and community which encourages them to  "hold their baptismal candle high and be God's presence right here and now."  The Dominican charism to preach the Gospel with our lives is compelling and engages discerners with a new vision of God’s presence through us in our world. Brian reminds us that: "Several times in the gospels we find people who having met Jesus or watched him from a distance, ask the question: 'Who is this man who heals sick people, embraces lepers, befriends sinners?  Who is this man who is turning the world upside down with parables?'"   Well, Dominican Sisters of Peace and Associates study the words and life of Jesus in order to understand and then proclaim Jesus today. All are welcome to join in this Dominican search to be present and to be Church right here and now.

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