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Sr. Patricia Twohill Receives Award from NRVC

groupOn October 30, 2016, Sr. Patrica Twohill, Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, received an Outstanding Recognition Award at the 2016 Convocation of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) in Overland Park, KS. The award recognizes Pat for her “outstanding leadership, service and dedication to vocation ministry” for a total of 16 years.
In her introductory remarks, Sr. June Fitzgerald, vocation minister of the congregation, observed, “Pat is a Preacher on fire with the Word of God and on fire with zeal for vocation ministry.  Her sense of humor, energy and leadership is evident to all who know and have worked with her.”
In accepting the award, Pat encouraged and affirmed all the vocation ministers present at the convocation, assuring them that their leadership has confidence in them and relies on them.  She thanked them for not giving in to cynicism and discouragement.  She expressed gratitude for their passion for vowed life and their desire to share it.  Most of all, she thanked them for their creativity.  She quoted Sr. Janet Mock, CSJ, who said, “We live in times of rapid and profound change, and we can be either REACTIVE or CREATIVE as we deal with our challenges.”  Janet pointed out that the only difference between the two words "is where you place the 'c'.”
Congratulations, Pat, for this well deserved NRVC award!  Your passion and creativity in promoting religious vocations is an example for all of us who believe in the future of vowed Dominican life.

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