Dominican Sister of Peace Marie Granger (87) died at Mohun Health Care Center, Columbus, OH on December 16. She was born in 1929 in Marion, OH. In 1950 she entered the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs, now the Dominican Sisters of Peace.

Sr. Marie earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from the College of St. Mary of the Springs, now Ohio Dominican University, a Master of Science in Education from Notre Dame University, and a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Providence College. She also earned an Administrator’s Certification from Pace University in New York.
Sr. Marie taught in grade schools in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio. Her love for education flowered during her years as Associate Professor of Education and Department Chair at Ohio Dominican College, now Ohio Dominican University. At the time of her golden jubilee as a Dominican, someone commented, "Her 'methods course' is famous to scores of undergraduates; through it she has touched the lives of countless teaching professionals."
In 1994, when the congregation opened a literacy center in Columbus, Sr. Marie was asked to direct the project, to secure a facility in a low income neighborhood, to equip it with educational materials and equipment, to recruit and train volunteer staff, and to design the program. When she retired as Director of the Dominican Learning Center in 2003, her ministry and service was celebrated with the words: "She welcomed the challenge to begin the Learning Center, saw possibilities, watered the seeds, and trusted that God would bring the center to birth."
During Mass in Sr. Marie's memory Dominican Friar Stan Azaro, said:
I first came to experience and appreciate what it means to be a member of a Dominican community of evangelization, a Dominican family of brothers and sisters, forty years ago in 1976, when I came to Ohio Dominican College, now Ohio Dominican University, to teach. During my four years at the college I came to know Sr. Marie as my Dominican sister. I believe that it was extremely providential that during my first assignment as an ordained Dominican friar, I had the experience, from the beginning, of a close association and collaboration with a community of Dominican sisters, many of whom resided together on campus, prayed together daily in Christ the King Chapel, and ministered together at Ohio Dominican. They were a visible presence on campus, not only in the College chapel, but in its lecture halls and administrative offices. They taught me that my life as a Dominican friar would be somehow incomplete without my Dominican sisters.
In that sense, Sr. Marie was not only one of my favorite colleagues but also one of my real formators during my first years in the active Dominican ministry.
Sr. Marie was a cheerleader when she was in high school, and, I believe, that says everything about her. As a teacher and a mentor of the young in grade schools in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio; as a formator of future teachers; as a department chair at Ohio Dominican; and as the first director of the Dominican Learning Center, endeavoring to improve people's lives and prospects for their future, she continued to be a kind of cheerleader all her life, rooting for people, supportive of people, a loving presence to her family and friends, and a beloved member of her Dominican family, who will miss her dearly as they remember her fondly.
Now, living within the communion of saints, numbered among our special, personal Dominican saints, Sr. Marie continues to be our intercessor with God, our cheerleader, our inspiration, as we honor her memory, and thank God for the gift of her long and fruitful life.
Sr. Marie's last ministry was as sacristan at the motherhouse in Columbus, Ohio, where she dedicated herself to assure the beauty of the chapel and the liturgy. She moved to Mohun Health Care Center in 2014.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Alonzo and Gertrude Conway Granger; her brothers, Paul, Carl, Ed and John; and her sisters, Marie Zimmer and Shirley Granger. She is survived by her brother Richard, her sister Jane Edgington, and many nieces and nephews.
The wake and funeral were held December 21 and 22 at the Columbus Motherhouse, followed by burial at St. Joseph Cemetery.
Memorial gifts in Sr. Marie’s memory may be submitted securely online or sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr. Columbus, OH 43219.