Peace Center Award for Outstanding Community Partnerships
The Third Annual Peacebuilders' Brunch took place on Saturday, January 14, at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, LA. Sponsored by the Isaiah 43 Program of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, the brunch celebrated all of the various ways people in local parishes and other institutions could participate in the program. Isaiah 43 is a parenting and mentoring program that trains facilitators and works with families who want to grow more deeply and care for each other more. For the bigger picture, this means healthy, more peaceful families and thus a safer community.
The Peace Center and St. Rita School and parish received the award for "Outstanding Community Partnerships." Each year the Peace Center has worked with the school Principal and with the pastor of the parish to invite families to participate and volunteer to make a meal for those who attend, care for the children while parents are meeting and offer hospitality for everyone present. The program in still developing and participation is more quality than quantity. Please pray for the families who can benefit from the program help and also that more parents will respond.