"Love" - Validating this radical lifestyle
Many years ago, the thought about religious life came to me quite indirectly. The thought was not in reference to myself, but was in the spirit of idle curiosity (or so I thought at the time). I remember sitting alone in the back of the church (I'm not sure what I was praying about at the time), when the pastor came through, happily going about some task on the altar and oblivious to the fact that he was being observed. I remember being curious and internally voicing the question, "What would cause someone to choose such a radical lifestyle?" God would help me to answer that question later in life. The answer is Love. Love is both the "who" and the "what" that validates this radical lifestyle, for Scripture, indeed, tells us that "God is Love" ~ 1 John 4:8. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, ordinary men and women encounter the extraordinary, and live consecrated lives for the sake of Love. The vows of poverty, chastity and obedience give these diverse women and men a radical freedom to reflect the light and love of Christ in the Church and in the world. Since 1997, the World Day of Consecrated Life has been recognized as a time to pray for all women and men in vowed life. The World Day of Consecrated Life is celebrated in the Church on Thursday, February 2, and in parishes on the weekend of February 4-5. Has your life ever been impacted by a sister, a nun, or a priest or deacon? Why not join the Church in praying for and giving thanks to God for the gift of their vocation. I invite you today to join the Church in praying for them and for all religious by using the prayer below about consecrated life by Pope Francis. Then as an extra treat, I invite you to view a two-minute YouTube video of vowed women and men expressing some brief thoughts about consecrated life. Is Love inviting you to consider a call to consecrated life? Thank you for your prayers!A Call from Pope Francis
GO FORTH! Remember the beauty of your first call. Jesus continues to call you today with the same full love and untamed grace.
GO FORTH! There is always more to do, to encounter, to be grateful for, to be astonished by. Begin and end with the joy of prayer - the marrow of consecrated life.
GO FORTH! Each of us has a role to play in the Church. Witness and sow well each day, and look to tomorrow with hope.
GO FORTH! Grow in love for God so that others will be attracted by the divine light in you. Welcome the new vocations the Lord sends to continue the work of consecration.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of God and first disciple of her son, Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
Do you hear a call? Are you interested in learning more about religious life? Join us for our upcoming "Come & See" Retreat March 10-12 in Columbus, OH.