The First Week with Our New President
First it was the Inaugural Address with numerous references to nationalism rather than international engagement and collaboration: "From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it's going to be only America first - America first." Then it was the executive memorandum and action to allow the continuation of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline as well as an order to silence the Environmental Protection Agency. Then it was the continued allegations (with no proof) that millions voted illegally in the election, undermining the democracy and legitimacy of our elections. Followed by the action to begin construction on a border wall. Then the vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, stripping millions of Americans of their health care access.What Now?
This all happened within the first week of the new administration. While the new President and Congress have been busy, I've been left with frustration and sadness over many of these decisions, and I've scrambled to keep up and find a way to respond. In moments like these, I've come to realize that I, and we, cannot solve every problem immediately. We must ensure that our frustration does not get the best of us and that our zeal to create change does not lead to burn out. First, we must feed our spirit. Take a look at the February calendar from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange continuing their 100 days of prayer. Let us pray together for peace, unity, and justice for our county.Get Involved...Stay Involved
Then, we must continue to act. There are numerous ways to get involved - attend meetings and marches, write letters to elected officials, continue calling Senators, Representatives and the President. With uncertainty and unpredictability ahead, let us reflect on our charism to preach truth with hope in God's promise for our future. Through collaboration and perseverance (not walls and divisiveness), we can build a future of peace.Take Action
Take a moment to call and let your voice be heard about issues that are of concern to you:White House Comment Desk: 202-456-1111 Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121 or