Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is currently accepting applications for its Peacemaker Corps. Do you know someone who may be interested in building partnerships to transform violence and oppression? Learn more...
Find your US Senators along with their contact information.
Call and urge them to oppose Federally Mandated Concealed Carry (S446). This bill would force our state to recognize permits on who can carry hidden, loaded guns from all 50 states, without regard to local gun laws. This is a serious overreach and encroachment on states' rights and backed up by the corporate gun lobby, who consistently seek profits of gun manufacturers over the lives of Americans.
Here is a sample call script: "Hi, I'm a constituent urging the Senator to oppose S446, the Federally Mandated Concealed Carry bill. This bill is an unacceptable proposal backed by the corporate gun lobby and would threaten our state's ability to make our own laws about who can carry hidden, loaded handguns in public. My name is _______ and my hometown is _______."
From Interfaith Power and Light
Click here to oppose the proposal by Enbridge to increase the volume of tar sands oil coming into the US via the Alberta Clipper Pipeline.