The Ohio Bishops call upon Congress to address our nation's broken immigration system through comprehensive reform that improves security and creates more legal and transparent paths to immigration. See their letter on immigration and migration here.
From Catholic Climate Covenant
The best way to influence your representatives is to meet with them. Join this webinar on Thursday, April 20, from 2 to 3pm (Eastern) to hear how you can influence your legislator through constituent visits and other strategies, for the protection of our common home and future. (The webinar will be recorded and sent to all who register).
Register here: Raising Our Moral Voice: Legislative Advocacy Training, Thursday, April 20, 2017, 2-3pm (Eastern).
From Global Catholic Climate Movement
Earth Day is April 22 and Mercy Sunday is April 23. Check out this list of 30 Acts of Mercy for our Common Home to give you some "simple daily gestures" you can do to show mercy to our Earth.