"Mary Magdalene and the other Mary…ran to announce the news…. And behold, Jesus met them on their way and...said to them, 'Do not be afraid. Go tell…'" - Matthew 28[caption id="attachment_1424" align="alignright" width="200"] Blog by Sr. Amy McFrederick, OP[/caption] Today I am thinking about these women running to announce the news of Jesus' Resurrection - and about all those who down through the centuries have continued to tell the story for 2000 years - and especially those in our own lives who have passed on their faith to us! In reflecting on the wealth of joy, peace, guidance and wisdom that has filled my life because of those who shared their faith with me, those who helped nurture my love for Christ and my faith in his Resurrection, I am deeply grateful for all those announcers of Good News to me. When I was about a five year old (before our family became Catholic) my sister, Ruth, and I would go with the neighborhood kids to a Baptist Sunday School held in borrowed rooms of the Will Rogers Public School building down the hill from our house. We prided ourselves in our perfect attendance record - and were rewarded by special prizes which we cherished beyond their worth! It was there that I learned about Jesus, heard the wonderful stories that made my heart burn with love for him. I remember being given a picture of Jesus welcoming the children, learning of his life, that he died for us, rose from the dead, would never die again, and in fact, if we invited him, he would come into our hearts and he would always be present with/to us. The faith planted in my soul at that young age grew in the rich soil of the Catholic Church after my family joined All Saints Church when I was eight, and then matured into a call to religious life as a Dominican Sister when I turned 16. Today as I contemplate the women running to announce the news of Christ's Resurrection, I am remembering with love and gratitude the innumerable persons of faith who have peopled my life, and pray that all of us who have received the Good News of Christ can heed Jesus' words: "Do not be afraid. Go tell…" Who are the "Marys" in your life who shared their faith with you? What does the Good News of Jesus' Resurrection mean to you, in your life? And who are the ones to whom you are being sent to announce the news of Christ's Resurrection - to plant seeds of faith, hope, love, and peace?