From Catholic Nonviolence Initiative:
Three dates in the month of May have been chosen in the United States to ask Catholics to share their hope for greater teaching and commitment to active nonviolence with their bishop and invite him to affirm active nonviolence as the nucleus of the Christian revolution. During the month of May, write your bishop, using the sample letter provided (click here). Share with him, as your Shepherd in the Lord, your call for a greater commitment to active nonviolence. Individual hard copy letters mailed directly to the bishop are more powerful than form letters, emails, or one letter signed by many. For more information, click here.
From Win Without War:
With an unpredictable administration, corporations amassing ever more power, and authoritarianism around the world on the rise, now more than ever, we need internet freedom. A free internet is not only the cornerstone of a free and open society, it is also an essential tool in how our movement makes our voices heard. We simply cannot fight militarism and work for peace without a free internet, and that’s why we need your help. Net neutrality is the cornerstone of the idea of the internet: that all web traffic is treated and delivered equally. As it stands now, all internet sites are delivered with equal speed when you type their name into the address bar or click on a link. Everyone is equal. The FCC will vote on a disastrous plan to gut net neutrality protections and allow Internet Service Providers to block content, control the pathways to information, and create pay-to-play schemes. Click here to sign this petition and tell the FCC that you want net neutrality protected.
Good news for our Earth! In a surprising victory for former President Barack Obama’s environmental legacy, the Senate voted last week not to consider repealing a climate change regulation on the release of methane from oil and gas wells on public land. Read more here.
Oppose discrimination and violence against all. Each year on May 17th, organizations around the world mark the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Click here for more information from New Ways Ministry.
If you haven’t read the Final Statement from the Salamanca Congress that was held in the Fall of 2016, you can read the Statement here. This Statement will help guide a collaborative Dominican effort to work on peace and justice issues.