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Trust in the Magic of New Beginnings

[caption id="attachment_4953" align="alignright" width="150"] Blog by Conni Dubick, OPA[/caption] “And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings.” Meister Eckhart OP and Conni Dubick, OPA Six months ago, I followed the words of Meister Eckhart OP and trusted in the magic of new beginnings when I retired from the Co-Director position for DSOP.  And guess what?  He spoke the truth to me!  But the magic and new beginnings were really a more focused effort to live my life as a Dominican Associate of Peace.   More deeply I realized that my associate commitment “called by God to become the Holy Preaching by promoting the liberating truth of the Gospel of Jesus” was an essential commitment in my life.  Now in “retirement” I can set my own schedule and pick and choose and continue to be active as a Dominican.  And I must say, I love it. I will give you this brief summary of my activities with the purpose of articulating the significant role that we as associates have in promoting Dominican spirituality.   As president of the North American Conference of Associates and Religious (NACAR), I work with a leadership team serving over 55,000 associates in the US and Canada.  We are examining the results of the study by the Center for Applied Research of the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University in order to enhance the associate movement which is significant in the development of our Church.  I have formed a DSOP-NACAR-CARA Team and I welcome new members to explore with us the broader vision for the associates-religious relationship. The Dominican corporate stance for Comprehensive Immigration Reform is the focus of the DSOP Committee that I chair in collaboration with Kelly Litt, the Justice Promoter.  This committee works throughout the year to communicate information and to facilitate actions for DSOP sisters and associates on immigration and refugee justice.  We welcome new members to this committee.  We also request actions from you to promote the World Refugee Day on June 20.  (Read more ) My own new volunteer experience at the International Institute of Akron allows me personally to work toward welcoming the stranger in Akron Ohio. The reality of the need for racial justice formed in my heart and mind thirty years ago when I began to volunteer at the King Kennedy Community Center near Kent State University.  Over the years, hundreds of university students/staff and thousands of hours of volunteer experiences forged a vibrant partnership with the children and residents of this economically depressed community.  Our 2017 summer youth program has the expertise of Sr. Joanne Caniglia OP from Akron teaching STEM content in the context of summer fun with learning!  In addition, Co-Director Colette Parker OPA, Sr. Valerie Shaul OP and other associates, sisters and motherhouse staff are establishing the Akron Motherhouse as a center of prayer and study for racial justice/racial harmony in Northeast Ohio. Now back to the point of my words.  I am a Dominican Associate inviting you to write a reflection on your activities in parish, professional, volunteer or family describing your forum for living your Dominican spirituality.  The CARA Study urges associates to articulate their leadership in order to invite others to join us in our special presence in the future Church. Please contact me ( for more information about these DSOP activities or to share your Holy Preaching!  

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