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Sister Mary Faith Geelan, OP, Honored by Ohio Dominican University

[caption id="attachment_5146" align="alignright" width="300"] Sister Mary Faith Geelan, OP, is awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award by incoming Ohio Dominican University President Robert A. Gervasi, Ph.D.[/caption] Sister Mary Faith Geelan, OP, was honored with a Distinguished Alumni Award by Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, OH, at a ceremony during Alumni Weekend on June 24, 2017. Established in 1980, The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes an alumna or alumnus who demonstrates a commitment to serving others in a global society as an ethical and effective leader, and whose service is grounded in the pursuit of truth, justice, and peace. Sr. Mary Faith was a member of the Class of 1960. She entered the Dominican Sisters in 1955 and graduated from the former St. Mary of the Springs, now Ohio Dominican University, with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and History. She went on to earn her Master of Arts in American History from the University of Notre Dame, and her Master of Social Work from Marywood University. She served in a variety of academic roles in Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, [caption id="attachment_5143" align="alignright" width="265"] Sister Mary Faith Geelan, OP, with an image of herself during her time as a student at Ohio Dominican University.[/caption] and Ohio throughout her career. In 1996, Sr. Mary Faith was named Prioress of the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs. Sr. Mary Faith and the other members of her leadership team oversaw the construction of the present Motherhouse and engaged in the dialogue that eventually led to the founding of the Dominican Sisters of Peace in 2009. She served on the Board of Trustees for ODU for many years, and also served in various leadership positions for the Dominican Leadership Conference and Leadership Conference of Women Religious. In her remarks at the ceremony, Sr. Mary Faith said "Accepting this award is a very humbling experience, and I accept it in the name of all of the Dominican Sisters of Peace, past and present; without the Community of my Dominican Sisters, none of would have been possible. My Bachelor's Degree from the College of Saint Mary of the Springs, now Ohio Dominican University, would not have been possible except for the Dominican Sisters who came to this property in 1867 and established this school.”

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