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Two by Two…Just as God had Commanded

[caption id="attachment_5169" align="alignright" width="300"] Blog by Justice Promoter Kelly Litt[/caption] A recent federal report noted that global warming is already having a negative effect in the United States despite President Trump’s claim that global warming is a “hoax.” We, the Dominican Sisters of Peace and Associates have long been committed to “reducing the impact of global climate change. We support actions, programs and legislation on all levels to protect Earth’s climate, with particular concern for the negative impact affecting the lives of the poor” and this report doesn’t come as a huge surprise (Corporate Stance May 31, 2016). Our Congregation, along with numerous other faith and community based organizations continually work to combat climate change. Yet, progress and movement in the government seems much more difficult to realize. Scientists are now fearful that the current Administration may try to change or ignore this Climate Change Report, but despite the uncertainty, there is hope building in Congress. Currently in the House of Representatives bipartisan support is rallying around the Climate Solutions Caucus. This Caucus, cleverly nicknamed the “Noah’s Ark Caucus” because Representatives must enter two-by-two, one Democrat and one Republican together, is also quite fitting for a group that aims to find climate solutions as sea levels continue to rise and many coastal cities are finding themselves flooded more often. This Caucus is the first of its kind and has had the support of many faith groups. There are currently 52 members, and the group is provided with monthly briefing by science and policy experts. The Noah’s Ark Caucus urged the President to remain in the Paris Agreement and is dedicated to continue working to build relationships across the aisle to mitigate climate change. Click here for more information, or read the draft of the Climate Change Report here. For continued progress, it is crucial that Members of Congress work together in a bipartisan fashion to protect the most vulnerable in our communities who are negatively and disproportionately impacted by climate change. Take action by calling your Representative and urging them to join the Noah’s Ark Caucus to work toward bipartisan and critically necessary solutions or send them a message here.

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