Catholic Call to Justice Event
Saturday September 9
9 am – noon
Christ the King Catholic Church, 2777 East Livingston Ave, Columbus.
The opening session will focus on defining social justice with a reflection on the life of Pope Francis followed by an overview of Catholic Social Teaching. See this flyer for more information.
From Maryknoll Office for Social Concerns
Two years ago, Pope Francis released his groundbreaking environmental encyclical, Laudato Si’. Since then, world leaders, businesses, and individuals have made commitments to reduce fossil fuel emissions and to help climate vulnerable communities around the world. The recent change in the U.S. government’s approach to the climate crisis has left many people asking: “What should we do now?” Join Christians around the world in prayer and action for the “Season of Creation” from September 1 to October 4. Click here for a toolkit, and here for a prayer for the Earth.
Stop Trafficking
Click here for the September edition of Stop Trafficking!
USCCB Establishes New Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism
The committee will focus on addressing the sin of racism in our society, and even in our Church, and the urgent need to come together as a society to find solutions. To read more, click here. For USCCB resources on racism, click here.
Opportunity for Action from the Immigration Reform Committee
The Benedictine Sisters of Erie have started an initiative called "Silent Peace Walks". The Immigration Reform Committee invites you to implement a Silent Peace Walk around the Motherhouse, your school, learning center, or neighborhood with an invitation to others to join this "strategy for peace." A current intention for the Silent Peace Walk is that love and compassion be the primary actions for the DACA families. To bring more peace to the world, walk in silence for peace. Mindfully be present and experience peace within and around you. Pray for peace and for our immigrant brothers and sisters and for Dreamers.
Assembly Action Steps
Action Alert from Interfaith Power and Light
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and DOT (Department of Transportation) announced they will begin reconsidering the fuel efficiency standards for cars and passenger trucks which means they are open to rolling back the standards. Click here to tell the EPA and DOT to keep us moving forward with strong fuel efficiency standards.
Action Alert from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) shares the disappointment of millions of people across the country who had hoped and prayed that President Trump would continue the protection offered Dreamers by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). In the wake of this unconscionable action by President Trump, we urge Congress to immediately take up and pass the bipartisan Dream Act of 2017.
DACA was a common sense path to stability for families, communities, and local economies and a reaffirmation of American values. Ending DACA will cause irreparable harm to our families and communities and force 800,000 of our young people back into the shadows
Please make three important calls TODAY!
Call your Representative (1-888-496-3502) and call each of your Senators (1-888-410-0619). Call twice to be connected to both Senators.
Suggested text:
My name is [NAME] and I am a constituent from [CITY/STATE]. I am outraged that President Trump announced the end of DACA today. I urge you to do everything in your power to protect Dreamers by making sure the bipartisan Dream Act 2017 becomes law. As Catholic sister and a member of [ YOUR CONGREGATION], our faith calls us to love our neighbor. DACA recipients are contributing members of our communities. They are Americans in all things but citizenship. They deserve our protection.
Will the [SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE] do all they can to pass the bipartisan Dream Act 2017, so that DACA recipients gain protection under the law? Thank you for your time.
Learn more about Dream Act 2017.
Dreamers are our neighbors, our students, our friends. Please stand with us and #Faith4DACA and #DefendDACA. Call your Members of Congress and forward this email to your friends and family so they can make their calls too.