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Leaving the Costumes Behind at the Voting Booth

[caption id="attachment_5169" align="alignright" width="300"] Blog by Justice Promoter Kelly Litt[/caption] Many children look forward to celebrating Halloween. They get to dress up in costume, often representing their favorite cartoon character or superhero. Along with their parents and friends, they walk their neighborhoods and fill their pumpkin-shaped buckets with sweets and treats. As we enjoy the cute and creative costumes that many families craft, through Halloween we are also given a time to step away from reality, if for just a moment, and enter the world of make-believe with jack-o-lanterns and too much candy. Yet just one week from today after the costumes are put away and the candy wrappers are cleaned up, we will be completely submerged back into our current reality as we show up to the voting polls. Unlike Halloween, it’s not endearing if issues or candidates are shrouded in costume and mystery. It then becomes our job to look for the truth. As engaged, responsible citizens, we are tasked with de-masking these issues and candidates, and as Dominicans, again our commitment for searching for truth becomes the cornerstone of our research and voting. It is both frustrating and unfortunate that now many issues and candidates are confusing and misleading, but that is our current reality. We must do what we can, where we are, with the resources we have to research and learn the truth behind each issue and position on our ballot that we vote on. Do your research. Have conversations. Pray and reflect on the issues. Then please vote! Let us use our collective voice and voting power to bring peace to our communities. -- For those in Ohio, Issue 2 has been especially illusive and confusing this year. See this flyer for information on Issue 2 and find out what Nuns on the Bus Ohio is recommending you do. (ATTACHED)

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