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Emmanuel, God is with Us

[caption id="attachment_5169" align="alignright" width="300"] Blog by Justice Promoter Kelly Litt[/caption] One of my favorite Christmas traditions is attending Christmas Eve Mass with my family. I love seeing the church decorated with trees, poinsettias, and the Nativity. There is something peaceful yet exciting as families full of anticipation fill the pews dressed in their Christmas best and young children doze off to sleep on their parent’s shoulder excited for Christmas morning to arrive. This year, the readings seemed especially appropriate. At one of the Christmas Eve services of 2017, some of us heard from Isaiah, “for Zion's sake I will not be silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, until her vindication shines forth like the dawn and her victory like a burning torch” (Is 62:1). This past year has been filled with the moral necessity to raise our voices. We’ve seen government and public policy go astray, and we have mobilized in large numbers to bring the moral dimension, and indeed the truth, back to the center of the debate. So refueled by this Advent and Christmas season, refreshed by the innocence and peace that Christmas brings coupled with the excitement of a New Year, we can join together, once again, and continue speaking out against the injustices of our day. While we’ve seen a lot of heartbreak and suffering this past year, we’ve also felt God’s presence as communities joined together to stand up for their neighbors, as more grew politically involved, and as individuals recognized the interconnectedness of our world and the importance of protecting Earth. So when we hear “behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means "God is with us," we can trust that God has been with us, and God is with us as we continue along our journey toward peace and justice. Thank you for your support, collaboration, partnership, and continued prayers and efforts. I have been inspired, challenged, and encouraged by this beautiful Dominican community and your endless efforts to promote peace and justice. May God continue to bring you peace and a voice for justice in this New Year!  

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