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What Color is Energy?

[caption id="attachment_5911" align="alignright" width="187"] Blog by Shirley Bodisch, OP[/caption] We all need energy.  That’s why we eat – to energize our bodies.  It’s as simple as “no energy – no life.”  That’s also why we need the sun’s energy to support life on our lovely planet.  Too little energy equals death and too much energy also equals death.  Well you might ask, how do we maintain a healthy balance?  Earth knows how to do this without even thinking.  She is an inherent balancer.  However, we humans have warped the balance and Earth is struggling to bring it back. What to do?  The Interfaith Power and Light organization or IPL began setting up a nation-wide network of partnerships to work toward an Earth ministry and to educate people who are concerned about the climate change we are experiencing lately.  Their mission is “to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy.  This campaign intends to protect the earth’s ecosystems, safeguard the health of all Creation, and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all.” So, the color of energy is GREEN!  In fact we often hear of groups and other organizations calling themselves “Green Energy.”  Here in Ohio there is a group called Green Energy Ohio or GEO.  Since part of our mission as Dominican Sisters of Peace and Associates in mission is to “foster God’s web of life,” we strive to be updated on the ways we might do this.  To find out what IPL is doing in your state, take a look at their web page (just google the name) and join up to get their on-line newsletter.  Truly you will feel better.  There are a lot of people in our world trying to offset the effects of global warming and to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.  Let join in the exciting fun of being rebellious!

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