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Statement by the Dominican Sisters of Peace Regarding the revocation of TPS to Hondurans

The Dominican Sisters of Peace are disappointed and appalled by the action of Homeland Security and its Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, revoking the Temporary Protective Status of 57,000 Hondurans invited to the U.S. after Hurricane Mitch in 1999. In 19 years, these individuals have built lives and raised several hundred thousand children who are U.S citizens. This decision would separate hundreds of families and send those expelled into a dangerous and unfamiliar environment. While the effects of Hurricane Mitch might be reduced, the country is currently experiencing unprecedented violence. According to Tomas Ayuso, reporting for National Geographic, “in gang-ridden Honduras, growing old is a privilege, not a right.” There is still a strong humanitarian justification for allowing these Hondurans to stay in the U.S. and we call for the Secretary of Homeland Security to reconsider her decision.  

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