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[caption id="attachment_5478" align="alignright" width="203"] Blog by Associate Colette Parker[/caption] On a recent Sunday morning, I was inspired before I even got out of bed. After awakening and turning off the do not disturb feature on my cellphone, my phone vibrated immediately. When I checked it, I found a message from one of my cousins – she was sharing a music video. I thought “why not?” and touched the play button. I am glad that I did! What a message: Another Chance. As I Iistened to the lyrics, I found myself lifting my hands in praise and thanking God for another chance – another day to make a difference in my part of the world. As I listened for a second time, I was on my feet, swaying and moving to the beat (or what some would call “getting my praise on”). The song reminded me that even when I stumble, struggle, fall, or fail to do the right thing, I am blessed with God’s grace. It reminded me that God loves me, with all of my imperfections. Each day that we wake up, we have another chance to do good, another chance to share our gifts, another chance to live a life of purpose. Percy Gray Jr. and Joshua’s Troop (who rendered the upbeat, moving, joyful, uplifting song, “Another Chance,” with the help of DNell and Gerald Moore) reinforced for me the power of praise – how it invites God’s presence; how it refreshes and renews our spirits; how it puts our focus on God; how it accentuates the positive; how it is a proclamation of our faith in God; how it fills us with a sense of love and security; how it prepares us for God’s service. Go ahead, take a listen. I dare you to sit still.

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