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Dominican Sisters of Peace Address Reduced Refugee Numbers

Almost everyone is familiar with the quote from Luke 12:48 “Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required.”  The United States has been blessed with freedom and riches.  These blessings demand that we care for our brothers and sisters fleeing violence and famine and welcome them to our country. Our Congregation has been blessed with the opportunity to share our resources with a family that escaped the violence and poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A young mother and her two sons are living with our Sisters at the St. Catharine Motherhouse in Kentucky. Christ calls us to a benevolent, generous view.  Sadly, our administration has taken a scarcity view in its latest decision to limit refugees to only 30,000 in the coming year. Sadder still is the reality that this year, when there is a tremendous need for refuge for those fleeing violence and famine, fewer than half of the number of refugees allowed have been resettled in the US. Our country is diminished by the lack of those new citizens who would have brought their talents to join with our own. Let us pray for an administration with such a narrow vision that cannot see the value and benefit of protecting those in need, and for leadership that heeds the call of Christ.

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