Sr. Mary Carla earned a Bachelor of Arts in English, Theatre Arts and Education from Regis College in Weston, MA, and a Master of Arts in Speech Education from Emerson College, Boston, MA.
Sister Carla ministered as an educator on the elementary, high school and college levels in Kentucky, Massachusetts, Ohio and West Virginia for nearly 20 years.
After taking a brief sabbatical to care for her parents, Sr. Mary Carla served as a teacher of ESL with the Hispanic community at Saint John Berchman and the Aquinas Literacy Center. She also served as a resource person while studying in the Office for Divine Worship in Chicago.
Sr. Mary Carla loved working with both St. John Berchman and the Aquinas Center, as it afforded her the opportunity to truly serve the marginalized, and to be part of a welcoming community.
SisterCarla also served her Community as the Midwest Regional Coordinator, as an English tutor at St. Catharine College, and as a volunteer at the St. Catharine Motherhouse. In her reflection at Sr. Mary Carla’s service, Sr. Elaine DesRosiers recalls that many of her students in Kentucky still credit her for her skill as a writer and an instructor.
Sr. Mary Carla is survived by her brother, John Golom, and nieces and nephews.
A Vigil of Remembrance Service was held at the Dominican Sisters of Peace Sansbury Care Center Chapel in St. Catharine, KY, on Tuesday, October 30, 2018. The Mass of Christian Burial was also held at the Sansbury Care Center Chapel, on Wednesday, October 31, 2018. Sr. Mary Carla Golom was interred at the St. Catharine Motherhouse Cemetery.
Memorial gifts in Sr. Mary Carla Golom’s memory may be sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus, OH, 43219 or submitted securely at oppeace.org.
If you would like to download and print a copy of Sr. Mary Carla's memorial, please click here,