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Sister Jean Kinney

[caption id="attachment_7182" align="alignleft" width="150"]   Sr. Jean Kinney[/caption] Dominican Sister of Peace Jean (Mary Mark) Kinney, OP, 89, died on December 19, 2018, at the Mohun Health Care Center of the Dominican Sisters of Peace in Columbus, OH. Sister Jean was born in Ironton, OH, in 1929, to Norma Elberfeld and Francis Kinney.  She entered religious life in 1957, serving on the staff of Elkins Park in Philadelphia, PA. Sr. Jean received her CCD certification from Siena College in Albany, New York, in 1962. She went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Education from St. Rose College in Albany, a Master’s Certificate in Religious Education and a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from LaSalle College in Philadelphia, PA, and continuing professional education credits from Central Islip Psychiatric Center. Sr. Jean shared her love of God and the Church through her pastoral ministries in Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. She served as the Coordinator of Religious Education, as a Pastoral Associate, a Pastoral Counselor, Spiritual Director at the Dominican Pastoral Counseling Center in Scotia, New York and on the Retreat Staff at the Dominican Sisters Retreat Center in Niskayuna, New York. In her remembrance at Sr. Jean’s funeral, Sr. Carol Gaeke reminded us that Sr. Jean was a trailblazer - she was one of the first in the Congregation to make a Cursillo, to adopt new catechetical methods, to go into pastoral care, getting her certificate in CPE. But more important, she was also able to be intimate – to work one on one with those in pain to effect healing of the soul. Through hospital chaplaincy, hospice work, counseling, and spiritual direction, she helped people to see God’s love for them and to live life with peace and joy, or in her hospice work, help them to go home to God in peace. Sr. Jean was preceded in death by her parents and her siblings, Fr. Francis Kinney, CPPS and her sisters Henrietta Hanifin and Marsha Morgan. She is survived by nieces and nephews. A Vigil of Remembrance and Wake for Sister Jean Kinney was held on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at the Dominican Sisters of Peace Motherhouse Chapel, Columbus, OH. The funeral liturgy was held at the Dominican Sisters of Peace Motherhouse Chapel on Thursday, January 3, 2019. Sr. Jean Kinney will be interred at the St. Agnes Cemetery, Menands, NY. Memorial gifts in Sr. Jean's memory may be sent to the Dominican Sisters of Peace, Office of Mission Advancement, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus, OH 43219 or submitted securely at To download and print a copy of this memorial, please click here. 

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