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Lighting the Way in Peace – Peace in our Communities

The Second Sunday of Advent: Peace in Our Communities

We live in a world of conflict. Gun violence is at epidemic levels, we suffer from ethnic, class, and generational divides, and even truth is no longer a constant. How do we build peace in a world of turmoil?

If you want Peace, you must work for Justice.

Justice for the marginalized, for the poor, for those who face persecution. You must work to ensure that every individual enjoys safety, security, and the opportunity to realize their potential - the things we each deserve as children of God.

How do the Dominican Sisters of Peace work for justice?

We welcome the strangers in our communities. Our learning centers offer ESL and citizenship classes that help those new to our country.

We teach peace. Our violence prevention programs teach confidence, resiliency, and conflict resolution.

We preach peace. In the halls of government, in the public square, by the words we use and the actions we take, we act to create justice in our church, in our communities, and in our nation. We speak out against gun violence, the death penalty, violence toward Earth, unfair immigration practices, and violence toward women and children

On this second Sunday of Advent, we pray and work for peace in our communities.

We pray Faithful God that, as we await your coming,
You bring blessing to all those communities and populations in our world
who are enduring persecution, threat, and violence.
We pray that all our small efforts toward creating and preserving peace
might multiply and expand into a world in such great need of it.
And may your peace plant itself deep within each of us
as we create community among ourselves.

Dominican Sister of Peace Maxine Shonk, OP

Please click here to download and print our special card for the First Sunday of Advent.

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