The Dominican Sisters of Peace were blessed by the Perpetual Profession of Vows for Sr. Phuong Thuy Vu on January 28, 2024, at the Columbus Motherhouse.
The ceremony was held in the Motherhouse Chapel with Sisters from around the country and Sr. Phuong’s family in attendance. Originally from Vietnam, Sr. Phuong and her family now all live in the United States.
Sr. Pat Dual, OP, welcomed those in attendance. Fr. Anthony Quyet Nguyen celebrated the Eucharistic Liturgy. During the Rite of Religious Profession Sr. Patricia Twohill, OP, as Prioress, received Sr. Phuong’s vows, and Sr. Cathy Arnold, OP, formator, offered a reflection for the occasion. The Mass and ceremony included readings and songs delivered in both Vietnamese and English including the Meditation Song, sung in Vietnamese by My Linh Nguyen, accompanied by a liturgical dance from Sr. Uyen Do, OP, and Sr. Ana Gonzalez, OP.
At the conclusion of the Mass, Sr. Phuong expressed her gratitude to all in attendance and said, “A highlight of the day was when I heard the congregation praying for me. I felt their love and acceptance. It was extremely moving to become part of this community and experience everyone’s support as I walked forward as Sister Phuong Thuy Vu, OP.”
Sr Phuong currently ministers at the Springs Learning Center in New Haven, Connecticut, a literacy center for adults. She entered the Dominican Sisters of Peace as a Candidate in 2016 and spent her Candidacy in the New Haven House of Welcome and then attended the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate in St. Louis. She also served as an assistant in the Counseling Department at St. Mary Dominican High School in New Orleans, Louisiana prior to her current ministry.
Sr. Phuong is a naturalized U.S. citizen and holds a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology along with additional credentials in catechesis and accounting.
Phuong first encountered the congregation when Dominican Sister of Peace, Sr. Binh Nguyen, OP, spoke at Phuong’s Texas parish, Mother of Perpetual Help.

It wasn’t until my first retreat (with the Dominican Sisters) that I strongly encountered God,” Sr. Phuong has said. “I have remained peaceful and calm about my decision to dedicate my life to God as part of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. I have been preparing to take my final vows for the last eight years. I believe in the Dominican spirit and have been living the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The Rite of Perpetual Vows made my commitment a public occasion in front of God, family, friends, and community.”
“I knew when I first met the Dominican Sisters that this was a joyful, peaceful place to spend my life and the Sisters around me were just like family. I believe God has led me here every step of the way.”
“Sr Phuong is a woman of quiet and abiding faith with a deep love of Dominican life and mission,” said Sr. Pat Twohill. “She has been a blessing to God’s people through her various ministries, and I am eager to watch her grow as she continues her vowed life.”
Sr. Phuong adds that her family and friends have noticed the joy emanating from her over time and especially on the day she took her vows. It is a joy she wants to pass along to others. “Whether it is with the Springs Learning Center or anywhere I am called, I just want to serve others and bring love and peace. I don’t know how or where my life will unfold from here, but my hope is to ultimately help and guide those who are spiritually hungry, wherever the greatest need may be,” adds Sr. Phuong.