Lonely but Never Alone
Desperate to find food and housing, she was directed by a human services agency to a church that had a food bank and offered community meals. She went to the church, lonely and withdrawn, sitting in a corner by herself, when the pastor's spouse (George) sat down beside her and expressed concern about her. He encouraged her to come back because he didn't want her to feel lonely and wanted her to know that she was not alone in her journey. (She had been having nightmares that she was truly alone in the universe and abandoned by God and everyone.)Finding Healing After Brokenness
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Hope and Love Triumph
This story was heartbreaking to hear and I share it because I feel that it offers foremost a message of hope beyond despair and of love's unmitigated power to heal one's psyche and soul. It also speaks of the compassionate goodness of one person reaching out to another person, bringing hope and [caption id="attachment_4508" align="alignright" width="376"]